Vanishing Lands
This immersive audiovisual installation explores the inevitability of the disappearance of The Marshall Islands in the North Pacific due to the global warming and rising sea levels. M-Islands stands for the Marshall Islands and Manhattan thus linking the two places in the perception of the viewer. Connecting nature to city life and the basic values that they share expresses itself through pre-recorded instrumental and water sounds spatialized for 10 speakers surrounding the audience and 2 video projections.
Immersive sound and video installation

True Rosaschi is a New York-based composer, teacher, theorist and technologist. He is interested in
the crossroads of music and intercultural/postmodern theory, improvisation, electroacoustic music and teaching music to adults as a transformative process. He continues to lecture and perform throughout Europe and the United States.
Described by WQXR as a “textural magician”, Žibuoklė Martinaitytė is a New York-based Lithuanian composer whose works explore the tensions and longings of identity and place. She creates sonic environments where musical gestures emerge and disappear within transparencies and densities of sound layers. It’s music that slides on the very blades of emotions.
Copyright © 2017. Zibuokle Martinaityte and True Rosaschi. All rights reserved.